About Us
Production Team
Barking Operatic
Society was started in the 1970s as a
Council night school class and
was originally called Barking Operatic Workshop. Under the auspices of
the former Barking Arts Council, the Group was led by local music
teacher Ethel Giles, who was paid by the Council, and members paid
night class fees to the Borough. Barking Operatic Workshop put on its
productions in local halls and schools throughout the Borough. |
In 1979, Ethel Giles retired and another Barking music
teacher, Carole Cable took over as Musical
Director. The evening class was cancelled, but members wanted to
continue their interest and formed Barking Operatic Society which was
given a grant by Barking Arts Council to help pay for the Musical
Director and a pianist. B.O.S. members collected membership fees and
organised fundraising events and from the 1980s, were able to stage
larger scale productions - usually in The Broadway Theatre, Barking.
When Barking Arts Council was
disbanded, B.O.S. was told to
apply directly to the Grants Section of the Council for funding. This
the Group has done ever since and B.O.S. is very grateful for the
financial assistance it receives from the London Borough of Barking and
Dagenham without which its ability to stage high quality musical
productions would be severely curtailed. |
Carole Cable
died unexpectedly in May 1997, but since January 1998, B.O.S. has been
fortunate to have Carol Lucas, another Barking
and Dagenham music
teacher, as its Musical Director. The Society currently has more than
30 members and is now a well established feature of the musical life of
the Borough. In November 2005 Barking Operatic Society decided to
change its name and as from January 2006 has
become... Barking Music
and Drama, or...Barking MAD
